Fallout 4 is the latest classical rpg experience released by Bethesda and Todd Howard. It is set in the Fallout Universe a world where nukes dropped and bottlecaps became the leading currency. In this world the player can use anything at their disposal to defeat the many enemies you will face on your adventure. For that reason its important to equip your character with the best weapons you can find. But what if instead we saw if our legendary hero can beat fallout unarmed only challenge buy using just their fists and bare hands in fallout 4 well and the other unarmed weapons! The unarmed builds of normal games are usually powerful however are limited unless you exploit and break the game. But what if instead of the unarmed build being the worst in the game the Spiffing brit uses some Fallout 4 Exploits to make the unarmed damage the strongest most overpowered weapon in fallout 4! Anyway today we are discovering that Fallout 4 is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits well excluding the Worst build. What you have seen here today is part of a fantastic perfectly balanced series on youtube where I go from game to game and break them with wacky exploits to gain things like unlimited gold. If you enjoyed this then be sure to check out more. The style is similar to RT game and callmekevin in parts. A large influence on this series has come from Valefisk and The Killian Experience. So sit back relax and enjoy this Can You Beat Fallout 4 challenge! My good friend YMFAH Who helps with my fallout 4 challenges: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC17vsYVoIwch5UzPar1LDmQ Magestic Merch: https://freshmerch.fm/collections/spiffing-brit Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Spiffing Twitter: @thespiffingbrit Discord: https://discord.gg/spiffing Title: FALLOUT 4 A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits - Can You Beat Fallout 4 Unarmed Only Challenge #funny #challenge #Fallout4